Regular LEV testing is a legal requirement of COSHH,
(Control of substances hazardous to health) regulations.

Local exhaust ventilation testing (LEV) has to be carried out every 14 months.
This is to ensure your extract is working efficiently to carry away any dangerous
or harmful contaminants that may be breathed in by staff working on the
Ensuring a safe working environment and clean air for all staff.
These regulations apply to all extraction units whether dust extracts, welding
fume, chemical fume cupboards, oil mist and smoke extract units.

In 2017 a report from the HSE stated that over 12,000 lung disease deaths per
year in the UK are related to past exposure of harmful and dangerous chemicals
and dust whilst at work. Many more non fatal lung related illnesses are reported
year upon year due to employer negligence as a direct result of extract
maintenance failing below par.

For more information on LEV TESTING on the HSE website click here.

Once your LEV test is completed you will be supplied with a full LEV log for
your records.
Phoenix Cleaning Company has established itself as a punctual and trusted
LEV test provider. Ensuring a simple and hassle free LEV testing service.

For a quick quote just
email your images of the duct, fan, extract system etc.

You can contact us by calling: 07961915018
Email us at:
or through our contact us page